It’s official, this revival of Matt Groening’s raygunpunk cartoon has actually taken. Futurama will be sticking around on Hulu – thus far, the third network it’s called home – for at least two more seasons.
Confusingly, these two additional seasons represent an order for twenty new episodes, even though Futurama’s currently ongoing run at Hulu is one season of twenty episodes in total, divided into two parts, with the second ten episodes due to air sometime in 2024. This current season is, depending on your metric and region, either the eighth, or the eleventh. This is the kind of complex, lore-driven approach you simply just don’t get with shows that haven’t been cancelled and picked back up a couple of times.
Hulu’s glommed on to the revived Futurama as a key part in what it calls its ‘Animayhem’ brand, a jolly-sounding shorthand for the lineup of animations offered by the streaming service. This spans fully 46 adult animated shows, among them big names like American Dad, Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, Futurama and King of the Hill. This last still has a revival of its own planned with Hulu, although beyond the announcement itself from earlier this year, no details have yet been released.
Given the largely positive response to the current eighth/eleventh season, it seems Futurama’s 2010 revival on Comedy Central might have simply grasped the nettle too early. Now it’s going the way of its older, yellower brother The Simpsons – no, it’s not as good as the old stuff, of course it’s not, we know that, but then it doesn’t have to be, because of the robust combination of nostalgia and name recognition it can bring to bear.
READ MORE: 50 Best Futurama Episodes of All Time
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