Fortnite LEGO: How To Equip Items In Your Off-Hand

Fortnite LEGO
Fortnite LEGO

God gave you two hands with which to work the land, which is why when you’re playing Fortnite LEGO, it’s important to ensure you’re being as efficient as possible. Equipping items into your off-hand is a great way of doing that.

In order to equip items to your off-hand, you need to head into your inventory, then move the item you’ll looking to equip into the off-hand slot at the right hand side of the quickbar. Not every item you encounter in Fortnite LEGO can be equippable to your off-hand, such as ingredients, but weapons, tools, shields, torches and food can be.

Once you have your item equipped, press L2, LT or the right click on your mouse depending on the input you’re using, and you’ll immediately use the item in your off-hand slot.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android.

READ MORE: Fortnite LEGO: How to Increase Health

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