Fortnite: Chapter 3: How To Slide

Fortnite Sliding
Fortnite Sliding

After previously being found in the files, sliding is a new feature added for Fortnite: Chapter 3.

To slide in Fortnite, you just need to hold down the crouch button while running. The crouch button is assigned to left CTRL on PC by default, with it being mapped to all kind of different buttons on PlayStation, Xbox and Switch depending on what your controller settings are.

To check your crouch button in Fortnite, pause the game and then head on over to settings before selecting the controller icon. Be sure to enable sprinting by default to make your job easier while you’re there if you haven’t already got that setting on.

Sliding is a great method of getting around faster if you’re travelling downhill as you can pick up quite a lot of extra speed. As well as that, it can also make you much harder to hit while also allowing you to fire your weapons. Try sliding into an engagement as well as jumping to make your movement much less predictable. Likewise, if you slide while trying to escape, you might find that other players don’t manage to land a final bullet on you.

If you’re reading this at the start of Chapter 3 – Season 1, there’s even a challenge that asks you to damage opponents while sliding.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: Chapter 3’s Tents Explained

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