Fortnite: How To Get Into Bot Lobbies


Fortnite is one of the most challenging games out there, with not even SBMM helping some players to come up against players of equivalent skill. That’s where bot lobbies come in handy.

Ever since the start of Chapter 2, AI enemies have been a part of Fortnite. These “bot” opponents build very little and hit you even less, making them little more than a way to pad out lobbies. That’s exactly why they were introduced: to make it easier and quicker to find a match by filling out your lobby without having to match 99 other players of similar skill.

If you want to get into bot lobbies in Fortnite: Chapter 4, here’s everything you need to know.


Fortnite Bot Lobbies Step-By-Step Guide

Getting into bot lobbies in Fortnite in either Zero Build or standard BR is actually very straightforward, though there is a little bit of extra work to begin with:

– You need two different devices with Fortnite installed and two Epic Games accounts. The second device that you won’t be playing on should have a different level 1 account connected to it, meaning that it’s not earned any XP or completed any matches. Sign up for a new Epic Games account here, then sign into that account on your second device.
– From your primary account, add your secondary account as a friend and then invite them to your party.
– Once they’re in your party, select them, hit manage and then make party leader.
– Start a duos match, then when there are 15 seconds left, leave the game as your other account. This prevents them from gaining any XP and levelling up.

All being well, you should then be in a bot lobby and be able to farm some easy XP. The enemy opponents will be AI as everyone’s first match is against AI and you are technically in the other account’s match as they were the party leader.

We would strongly recommend against the method that is currently being pushed on YouTube that asks you add an account someone else made that seems to be getting constantly generated, as this will likely be against Epic ToS.


Why Do People Make Bot Lobbies?

As for why people make bot lobbies in Fortnite, it’s really just about being able to play a match of Fortnite without having to put in a whole load of effort.

The average Fortnite match these days requires to be very switched on as there are so many good players out there, and there’s nothing more frustrating than getting killed by someone who you know sits in Creative all day.

With bot lobbies, players are able to run around the map and discover easter eggs and pick up wins without really having to concentrate all that much. It’s also a great way of completing all your challenges/quests and levelling up your Battle Pass without worrying about fighting other players, too.

If you’re wondering if this is something that is “illegal” in Fortnite and could end up you being punished, Epic has been aware of it for two years now and hasn’t done anything about them. You will be fine.

Fortnite is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android.

MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite: Chapter 3: How To Play Split-Screen

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