DOOM Slayer Lookin’ Extra Thicc In New Twitch Prime Skin


DOOM Extra Thicc
DOOM Extra Thicc

Bethesda have just shared a first glance at the Extra Thicc Doom Slayer skin for DOOM Eternal, which is exclusive to Twitch Prime subscribers. It’s majestic, conjuring up images of Fat Thor in Endgame.

Listen, slaying ain’t easy. Sometimes you just want to kick back and relax, stroke your bunny, and binge watch the shows you missed while you made the Icon of Sin look like the giant ballsack. Hey, if you put on a few pounds, that’s fine as well — we are in a pandemic, after all.

I just love that no matter how unfit he is, Doom Slayer will always be able to make any Marauder look like a champ — as long as he uses the Super Shotgun and Ballista, of course.

Available from May 21st, all you have to do is subscribe to Twitch Prime and connect your Bethesda account with Twitch. If you don’t have Twitch Prime, it’s included as part of Amazon Prime.

This is the newest Prime drop for DOOM Eternal, following on from the DOOMicorn that is exactly what it sounds like. The Extra Thicc skin was due to be released in April, but had been pushed back because of “The Event”. Bethesda did, however, reveal that they would be adding another Twitch Prime drop to the three they already had planned.

Elsewhere in Eternal land, we recently figured out a neat little easter egg.

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