Does Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Have Co-Op?


Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is published by Square Enix, who also published Marvel’s Avengers, a live service game where players can come together and play as the titular super squad. But does Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy also have co-op, or any kind of multiplayer?

The answer is no, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy doesn’t have any co-op or online play. It is purely a linear single-player game that is played offline.

This is because the focus is on Star-Lord and his story, which likely wouldn’t be as effective if played in co-op. You control just Star-Lord and command the other Guardians to help out in combat and traverse the environment.

While this might be a disappointment to some, it’s refreshing to see a single-player game with no microtransactions that’s also lengthy. While, yes, it would have been great fun to play as Rocket, shooting away on the shoulders of your friend who’s controlling Groot, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy pure focus on single-player allows its surprisingly affecting single-player story to really shine.

Don’t let the game’s lack of co-op put you off. If you want an even more action-packed, varied version of Uncharted set in space with some RPG-lite mechanics and funny, also sometimes moving writing, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy really could be a sleeper hit for you.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X | S.

READ NEXT: Is Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Open World?

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