Daily Tune: LSN – Formulas

There are plenty of artists we love here at CV, and then there are some that we would happily buy a time share with and spent a week going on long walks on the beach. LSN fall into the latter category. Having been kind enough to provide us with an interview, and then go one further by sending one of their members back over to us armed with an exclusive mix, it’s fair to say that we’re pretty tight with the Welsh/Mancunian deep dubstep supergroup. Their last major release, Oblivion, was an absolute blinder, and now a year and a half later, we have a new EP to sink our teeth into.

Control Part 1 is a completely different animal to Oblivion. While the LP explored a range of ideas around death, the nature of existence and entropy, guided by a current of dark, flowing beats, the new release is far heavier. The leading track, Formulas, was initially premiered by Magnetic Magazine, and acts as a reserved, glitchy reprieve in between the monstrousness of Creative and Mofockas. The former sounds like it came straight off of the soundtrack for a sci-fi level from one of the Timesplitters games, and the latter is exactly as batshit crazy as the title suggests.

While Formulas is certainly the most understated of the three, it’s anything but dull. The wavering bass tones and thrumming beat create a kind of fizzing mist as a strangle vocal sample about updating formulas fades in and out. It almost has an air of early DMZ about it, but never takes us so far down the rabbit hole that the sinister, ghostly tone of the track is lost. To me, it’s reflexive of LSN taking a bit more time to explore their roots and demonstrate that the Uprise Audio sextet is still full of surprises.

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