Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – Full Dogtown Map

Cyberpunk 2077 Dogtown Map
Cyberpunk 2077 Dogtown Map

After years of waiting, Cyberpunk 2077 finally have access to the most elusive part of the map: Dogtown. This area of Pacifica was always inaccessible until Phantom Liberty, the game’s first and only major expansion, finally opened the doors. And while it isn’t the largest bit of the map in the game, it sure is one of the most tightly packed in terms of content.

Here’s a map of Dogtown in Phantom Liberty, including some of the more notable spots (note: certain icons may not appear for you immediately until you encounter them):

Dogtown Map
Dogtown Map
Dogtown map
Dogtown map

Here’s a closer look at the different parts of Dogtown:

Dogtown's Northern dome section
Dogtown’s Northern dome section
Dogtown's Northern dome section
Dogtown’s Southern Section

Dogtown isn’t a particularly large area as mentioned, as our measurements from its most southern point to its most norther had it at only 1.7KM in total. You can get from one end of it to the other in a matter of minutes in a car. However, there are many things to find in Dogtown, including Militech Crates to give you Relic points, Tarot cards, and just a lot of gigs that can offer dozens of hours of content overall.

Dogtown features the following notable places of interest:

– 6x Dataterm fast travel points
– 1x Apartment
– 6x Militech Crates
– 4x Tarot
– 10+ Vendors

On top of this, players can take part in various side missions alongside the main missions, with Mr Hands alone offering out ten contracts for V to take up. It still has the highest concentration of things to do of anywhere on the map, even if it isn’t quite on the same level of scale as Toussaint from Blood and Wine from The Witcher 3, you’re not going to be left wanting for things to do in Dogtown.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series.

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