CD Projekt Red Want You to “Kill” The Witcher Spin-off Gwent’s Servers

Gwent Kill the Servers

As crazy as it might be to hear this when every new game seems to implode on launch through too high demand, CD Projekt Red are keeping up their tradition of being anything but your usual developer by asking you to try your damnedest to crash their servers.

In a special event coming up on October 25th, Gwent will be playable to a lucky few who have already signed up on the game’s website for a PC code. They aren’t letting just anyone destroy their servers, though – spaces are limited, so if you want to play, you have to be vigilant and keep an eye out for them on Facebook and Twitter.

Kill the Servers! is an event designed to stress GWENT’s hosting backend. We want you to blow out some fuses in the server rooms and, at the end of the day, see how everything reacts to a lot of gamers banging at the doors. The event takes place this Friday, 23.09 from 5PM to 9PM CEST and Tuesday, 27.09 from 8PM to 12AM CEST.

You won’t be able to make progress within the game, either. Nothing is saved during the event, so if you have plans to try to get ahead and build up a mighty deck, you are just going to have to wait until the proper beta is out.

Gwent is more than just a basic card game: it features an open-world, ten-hour campaign, and more similarities with The Witcher 3 than you might expect. It’s out later this year on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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