Borderlands 3 Could Be Announced In The Next Few Weeks

Here's hoping Face McShooty makes a return.

Borderlands 3

It’s possible that Gearbox is revving up for a Borderlands 3 announcement at the upcoming PAX East event. Announced via a tweet from Gearbox with no context, the picture features the trademark Borderlands’ art style with “March 28th” and “Boston, MA” scrawled across a highway sign.

The date is important as March 28th is the start of PAX East and lo and behold, Boston, MA is where the convention is held. On top of that, a “3” can be seen in the corner , which makes sense as this would be the third title in the main Borderlands franchise.

Gearbox has not been secretive that they are working on Borderlands 3. The dev even opted to cease updates for Battleborn back in 2017 to focus on Borderlands 3.

The Borderlands franchise was started back in 2009 by Gearbox. The game plays like an FPS tied with an RPG. But, unlike the Call of Duty’s and Battlefield’s of the world, Borderlands is a bit more “silly”, with its cel-shaded comic book style and randomised weapons.

The game found success and spawned a sequel in 2012, a “Pre-Sequel” in 2014, a spin-off by Telltale that same year, and the Handsome Jack Collection, which included remastered versions of Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel in 2015.

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