Bioshock Environment Recreated in Unreal Engine 4 is Beautiful

Bioshock Unreal Engine

Just about nine years ago, we were graced with the first of a series of games that proved an instant classic: Bioshock. With a gripping story, stunning visuals, clever gameplay and mechanics, Bioshock had become a standard setter for many.

As such, it’s no doubt that it has a following of fans, with one by the name of Ross Littlejohn becoming inspired for a project for his university to recreate the Medical Pavilion map area in Unreal Engine 4. Bioshock originally being on Unreal 2.5, it’d stand to reason as to why it’d seem just like home.

Bioshock Unreal Engine

Bioshock Unreal engineee

Unreal Engine 5 Bio

Unreal Engine 5

With an exceptional resume, and judging by the quality of work shown in his previous projects on his website, there’s no doubting his talent. He recreated the foyer of the Medical Pavilion from almost scratch, save the vending machines and foliage.

Once again, proving the versatility of UE4, this student awaiting their final grade is surely to make waves in the gaming industry, if the amazing work that he’s detailed hasn’t evidenced that already.

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