Best Buy Newsletter Reveals Project Scorpio To Become Xbox Scorpio

hank Scorpio

UPDATE: it’s actually the Xbox One X.

According to a Best Buy newsletter which, as is happening with alarming regularity in the gaming industry, jumped the gun on an official announcement, Project Scorpio will officially become Xbox Scorpio.

NeoGAF user VanCityGamer revealed the newsletter in question:

Xbox Scorpio

Geoff Keighley ran a poll on Twitter recently and later revealed that the official name for the new Xbox machine was among the options. Xbox Scorpio was one of them, so that lends further weight to the leak.

Microsoft’s E3 conference is just hours away, so expect to hear the official confirmation then.

Although perhaps not a huge surprise, sticking to the Scorpio brand makes a lot of sense. They’ve already established the name, so why not double down on it? Makes a lot more sense than Xbox One, after all.

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