Apex Legends has a respectable collection of consumable items and equipment to chew on. Sometimes it can be a little hard to remember the exact details of each and sometimes a reference point is necessary. In response we’ve compiled a list detailing all the equipment and consumables in the game to date, detailing all their stats and some brief commentary on their effectiveness/usage where relevant.
For the uninitiated, all items in Apex Legends are colour coded by rarity. The scale goes: Common (white), Rare (blue), Epic (purple) and Legendary (yellow). Items towards the end of the scale are deliberately designed to be more powerful than their more common (but weaker) brethren. One other thing to note is that Legendary equipment (LINK to: https://culturedvultures.com/apex-legends-legendary-gear-locations-weapons-attachments-more/) is not necessarily better than its purple counterpart, but it does come with a special perk that differentiates it.
Apex Legends Consumables
Consumables come in three main forms, but for the most part only two of these forms are relevant, health and shield consumables. Health consumables will restore part (or all) of your health. Your health always has a maximum value of 100 (regardless of character) and can’t go above this value. Shield consumables restore part (or all) of your shields, with your shield strength being dictated by the quality of your body shield. The weakest body shield grants a maximum shield value of 50 and the strongest body shield grants a maximum of 100. Do note that a shield consumable with the ability to restore more than your shields maximum value will still only restore to your current body shield’s max. For example, if you use an item that restores 100 shields, but your body shield has a cap of 75, then it will only restore 75 shield, ‘wasting’ 25 of the battery’s potential value.
All of these consumables have a base ‘cast’ speed, that dictates how long it will take until the item takes effect. Only once the cast ends do you receive the benefit of the item, so cancelling can be quite wasteful in terms of time (but doesn’t waste the actual item). Lifeline uses all these consumables 25% faster (i.e. she casts 25% faster) than the base times indicated. For example, she will use a Phoenix Kit in 7.5 seconds rather than 10. The Legendary backpack is the same, but 50% faster cast speed (e.g. Phoenix Kit in 5 seconds rather than 10). Lifeline and the Legendary backpack do not stack, Lifeline will just take on the backpack’s improved casting speed.
Syringe – Common
Heals 25 health. Five second cast time. Six per stack.
These are very time consuming to use when you need to recover a lot of health. These are not really designed to be used mid firefight as they take you out of commision for far to long for the amount they heal. However, it is still worth carrying a stack around as they’re useful once a fight is over (due to being very common) and you don’t want to waste a full Med Kit.
Med Kit – Rare
Heals 100 health (full heal). Eight second cast time. Three per stack.
Essentially four times the theoretical healing for less than half the cast time makes this a pretty strong item compared to the Syringe. Fairly effective mid firefight, though not as time efficient as shield restoratives. You should always carry as many of these are practicable, you can take a lot more punishment with these in your inventory if you can disengage to heal.
Shield Cell – Common
Restores 25 shields. Three second cast time. Six per stack.
This is the shield version of the syringe, though strictly speaking more efficient as they activate two seconds quicker. If you’re forced to choose between using this or a syringe mid firefight, opt for this.
Shield Battery – Rare
Restores 100 shields (full shield restore). Five second cast time. Three per stack.
Same as the health restoratives, this acts as the shield version of the Med Kit. The gap between a Med Kit and a Shield Battery isn’t as big a deal as the Shield Cell and Syringe however. This is because you won’t always have purple/yellow armour all the time to properly leverage them, making the Med Kit better to use mid fight in some situations (depending on current health, shield quality, etc.). Regardless, these still cast a lot quicker and are better in emergencies because of this, especially with higher quality armour.
Phoenix Kit – Epic
Heals 100 health and restores 100 shields (full restore). Ten second cast time. One per stack.
This acts as the ‘apex’ consumable, restoring you to perfect health (i.e. rising from the ashes) regardless of your condition. It takes a whopping ten seconds to pull off, but it is the most efficient restorative of the bunch because of this. Best used after being revived or dropped to critical condition and you think you can slip away for ten seconds. Phoenix Kits don’t stack (one per inventory slot) and can consume a large amount of inventory space quickly, so keep that in mind. Still, this item can be responsible for some turnarounds that would otherwise be impossible thanks to its absurd efficiency.
Ultimate Accelerant – Rare
Grants 20% Ultimate charge. Seven second use time. One per stack.
This is the ‘third’ form of consumable mentioned earlier, it grants you 20% of your Ultimate charge. Every Legends has a different Ultimate charge time, so the amount of time (in seconds) 20% gives you actually changes drastically in value depending on the character who uses it. Regardless, most of the Legends don’t benefit too much from Accelerants due to their Ultimate’s being situational. Lifeline having the least situational Ultimate (and longest base charge), benefits the most, so most people ignore these due to them being inventory slot hogs or funneled into a Lifeline.
Apex Legends Body Shields
Body shields take the form of a coloured piece of body armour (looks a lot like the green DOOM armour) and will bestow the wearer a set amount of shields based on its rarity. You can recharge these shields by using a specific consumable (covered above). Additionally, picking up a body shield from a dead opponent will give you a fully restored body shield of that quality. For example, instead of say recharging your purple shield with cells, you can just pick up a dead opponents purple shield. However, you can’t drop your body shield (or a teammates shield) in a Deathbox and pick it up to have it restored, it must be someone who wasn’t in your squad (the exception being if you’ve been respawned).
Common (white): 50 shields
Rare (blue): 75 shields
Epic (purple): 100 shields
Legendary (yellow): 100 shields and ‘Executioner’ perk, where finishers restore 100 shields.
Apex Legends Helmets
Helmets are another piece of defensive equipment which reduce headshot bonus damage and take the form of a coloured helmet. These don’t need to be charged or have anything done to them, once you equip them, they will do their job. To illustrate how the reduction works: A purple helmet provides 50% headshot bonus damage reduction, now say a shot does 100 damage to the body and 200 (100 bonus damage) to the head, that shot will now do 150 damage (50% of 100). In this case the helmet reduced the headshot bonus by 50%, but the total damage by 25%.
Common (white): 30% reduction in headshot bonus damage
Rare (blue): 40% reduction in headshot bonus damage
Epic (purple): 50% reduction in headshot bonus damage
Legendary (yellow): 50% reduction in headshot bonus damage and ‘Fast Charge’ perk, which reduces tactical and ultimate recharge times.
Apex Legends Backpacks
The most straightforward equipment slot of the bunch. Equipping one increases the amount of inventory slots available to you, with eight slots being the base (i.e. no backpack equipped at all).
Common (white): Two extra inventory slots
Rare (blue): Four extra inventory slots
Epic (purple): Six extra inventory slots
Legendary (yellow): Six extra inventory slots and the ‘Fast Heal’ perk, which reduces the cast times on all consumables by half.
Apex Legends Knockdown Shields
Possibly the least useful and exciting equipment slot. The knockdown shield is a directional shield (think a ‘space version’ of a medieval knight’s shield) that you can hold up by holding the fire button while downed. It has a set amount of damage it will intercept before failing making it useful for buying time and undermining ‘ranged executions’.
Common (white): 100 damage limit
Rare (blue): 250 damage limit
Epic (purple): 750 damage limit
Legendary (yellow): 750 damage limit and ‘Self-Resurrection’ perk. Using the action button while downed will begin a lengthy self-revive process.
That covers every defensive and consumable item in Apex Legends. That is, every item that isn’t a: Grenade, weapon or attachment is covered by this list. Hopefully this article will help you organise which items are worth carrying and prioritising in what situation.
Apex Legends is out now for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can find our Apex guides this way, or check out our Apex Legends review:
“Even the most jaded of battle royale fans will find their interest rejuvenated by Apex Legends thanks to Respawn’s attention to detail, superior gunplay, and fantastic innovations, though the loot boxes and progression system certainly need addressing.”
– Apex Legends Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Pinging, Characters, Hop-ups & More
– Apex Legends: Best And Worst Ultimates
– 10 Apex Legends Tips For High Kill Games
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