Amnesia: The Bunker may not quite boast the semi-open world that some of its marketing suggested, but it’s very easy to get lost in its labyrinthine halls, especially when its dark and you have a beast stalking you.
With no map to easily refer to in the middle of the action, the easiest way of figuring out where you are is to return to administration and refer to the map on the wall. If you need a slightly more useful resource to refer to, we’ve compiled a full map for Amnesia: The Bunker, which includes where you can find the key items that you need to progress the story, the dog tags on bodies that are required for opening lockers in Mission Storage, and also where you can find Pocket Bags to increase your inventory.
Here’s a full look at the Amnesia: The Bunker map.

Here’s where you can find some of the key items in Amnesia: The Bunker:
– Delisle and his dog tag for his locker with the Lockdown Wheel can be found in his room in Strategic Operations. Either break the door down or use the vent in the wall in the room next door.
– Foreman Stafford and his dog tag for getting the Wrench are located at the top of the Pillbox. You can either get the Pillbox Key from the Chapel or break through the wall in Munitions Storage.
– The Chain Cutters are located in the Prison section next to a prisoner in a locked cell, and you will need the Wrench first. After flicking the switches in the Warden’s Office, the beast will appear.
– The Detonator Handle is located deep within the tunnels; you’ll need to deal with a patrolling soldier down there too. You can also find the Toy Bunny and Shotgun there.
– In Soldier Quarters, the Communications Key is located in either of the Barracks in one of the beds. You then need to get to the Utility Room and turn the switch to power the Communications room radio after gaining access with the Communications Key, which will then give you the Arsenal code once turned on.
– To get to the Dynamite in the Arsenal, you need to go all the way through Storage Area A and B and then find it in a closed off room.
A few things are worth bearing in mind with the map and finding items in ATB in general.
Firstly, resource spawns (such as ammo and fuel) are different from playthrough to playthrough, so they aren’t included here. The Pocket Bags are also supposed to be random, but we found some of them in the same places persistently between three different playthroughs, so they’ve all been added to the map above.
Secondly, if specific areas of the map are greyed out for you, you need to find the area map in that specific area, which we’ve also highlighted on the map. These are generally behind locked wooden doors, which you can open by throwing a brick at them, exploding them with a grenade, or by shooting them open with a shotgun.
There’s also only one save point if you’re playing on normal difficulty or above, which is the one in Administration. The rest of the save points highlighted on the Bunker map above are only usable on easy difficulty.
Lastly, there is no map for the Tunnels in the game as it’s quite a small, linear section, but you can find the Detonator Handle, Toy Bunny for dealing with the beast, and also the Shotgun while exploring it. You’ll just need to turn on the generator in Storage Area first, but you will need the Chain Cutters first of all.
Amnesia: The Bunker is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X & S.
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