60 SECOND REVIEWS: Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is a squad-based FPS with an emphasis on teamwork and nail biting shootouts as addictive as crack burgers and– JESUS CHRIST. Five days of my life spent on this game fuck–

Playing as either Defenders or Attackers, you must fight over objectives with each operator complementing and negating each other in really interesting ways. It creates intense, edge-of-your seat action that captivates from the first hour to the hundredth.

Comparison to CS are a little lazy. It’s like comparing Battlefield and Call of Duty. They seem similar on the outside, but time spent together with both shows they’re different beasts.

The maps have been really thoughtfully created, the mechanics are all super tight and getting a headshot is equivalent to lovely stuff happening to your lower half as you eat your weight in Haribo. Pulling off an ace to carry your team to victory is just one of those feelings that never gets old.

The whole game is full of little moments that keep you hooked and remind you why you love gaming, which is a rare thing.

Rainbow Six Siege is a riveting game, but unless you have a headset and a group of friends, you’re missing out on half the experience. Single-player is also quite lacking, but good for practice for the meat of the game.

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