Downloadable content is probably the bane of my very existence. Many times I have found myself shaking my head at the sheer cheek of some of the gaming companies that charge you £10 just to buy an additional outfit for your character to use in-game. As anyone who knows me can attest, they are constantly reminded by me that I genuinely hate that aspect of the gaming industry today.
But there have been some occasions where the producers have really pulled out all the stops and provided us with some DLC that not only adds more gaming hours, but also fills in the blanks of the story or offers us a new insight into a character from the main game. When it comes to something like this, I am all for DLC. So I have gathered a list of some of the best DLC that has truly impressed over the years and if you have some spare cash, I would highly recommend grabbing them.
Grand Theft Auto 4 was an entry into the franchise that felt like Rockstar were taking the franchise the wrong way. Instead of the game being fun and often crazy at times, GTA IV was sometimes far too serious. Coupled with awkward controls and a pretty drab storyline, it’s fair to say it wasn’t my favourite entry into the series.
However, The Lost and Damned DLC is one of two DLC packs released by Rockstar and it is a blinder! What you are getting for your money is an additional campaign in which you play as Johnny, the VP of the Lost as he tries to keep the peace between rival biker gangs and try and calm the psychotic President down as he tries to rip the club apart.
The game feels like they have done a lot of research into the culture of a biker gang and you can pay tribute to fallen brothers and even order a Prospect to fetch and carry for you. Although some of the missions are rock hard, this game really is worth grabbing as it has just been re-mastered for Xbox One.

I think we can all agree that Watch Dogs has maybe the most haphazard release of the recent generation of consoles and it may be down to that fact that nobody really paid any attention to the amazing DLC that this game had to offer.
Bad Blood puts you in the shoes of T-Bone, one of the characters from the game who helps Aiden reap his revenge. T-Bone was maybe one of the more interesting characters in the game, but when you play this you begin to realise that a lot of elements of Bad Blood have been transferred over to Watch Dogs 2. You are able to control drones, use RTC devices and even plant bombs when you’re a fair distance away. Bad Blood also fills in the gaps left behind during the conclusion of the main game and once you have finished this ten hour add on, you find that Watch Dogs actually makes a lot more sense.
The DLC also unveils T-Bone’s history and why he was black balled by cTos and BLuME, and as the DLC unfolds, T-Bone’s history becomes darker and makes Aiden Pierce look like a saint.
Far Cry 4 is one of those games that you either love or hate, but whichever way you put it, no other game offers you the chance to hunt down animals or find yourself being charged by one pissed of rhino.
Although the main story of Far Cry 4 was lacking, it is still one of the best open world games on the next generation consoles, and its DLC is no different. You play as Ajay once again as your plane goes down in the Andes and the survivors of the crash are taken prisoner by some really weird religious cult. As you try and save him, you must construct a base which will act as your safe haven from waves of enemy assaults and also try and survive the freezing climate in till your help arrives. If you do manage to succeed at all those things, you have to worry about the Yeti’s that randomly stagger into your base or appear from nowhere to trash your ride.
Valley of the Yeti’s also tries to piece together the origin of these elusive creatures, and although a lot of it is truly embedded in myth, it still offers many hours of surprisingly fun and challenging gameplay.
The second instalment of the original Mass Effect trilogy is by far the best entry into the series and it is easy to see why. Although there is a ton of DLC available for all these games, it is this one that stands out for me due to the sheer size of it and how intriguing the storyline is.
Once again you play as the biggest badass in the galaxy, Commander Shepard, as you accompany Liara T’soni, possibly the most underutilised member of any team, as they try to locate the Shadow Broker and use the information networks he has set up as her own.
Set before the events of Mass Effect 2 and before the idea of that insane suicide mission, The Lair of The Shadow Broker has many different outcomes, such as if you are in a relationship with T’Soni and also how she feels about you in general. There is a superb chase sequence where you must control a high speed vehicle as you escape the Brokers agents and it really does add another depth to the already massive Mass Effect Universe.
But what really draws me to this DLC is just how much of a hardass you see Liara T’Soni become. It really makes you think twice about whether or not you want to include her in your team.
Skyrim is a beast of a game and can be overwhelming for anybody who hasn’t managed to get their teeth stuck into as yet. It has it all from fighting dragons to aiding in a rebellion as it’s kicking off from all sides. It really does offer hundreds of hours of gameplay and as it has just been remastered for the XBOX One and PS4, people are starting to find the love for this game again.
As you would expect from Bethesda, the DLC for this game is well worth the money, in particular The Dawnguard DLC. You are given the option of either joining a legendary group of vampire hunters or join the creatures they hunt through a number of guest lines. With new armour available and new spells to learn, this is a must have addition for any Skyrim fan and really does flesh out the game even further (like there wasn’t enough for you to do anyway).
The game really does feel very ‘The Order 1886’, but the main characters and both The Dawnguard and the vampire clan they hunt have very rich histories that amazing to explore.
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