WWE 2K17: 7 Things We Want to See

WWE 2k17
WWE 2k17

It’s been an okay start for 2K ever since they fully took the reins of WWE games from Yukes and started using their own engine. WWE 2K15 was lightweight, offering very little in terms of content, whereas WWE 2K16 was a sizable improvement that still lacked a sense of magic that earlier licensed games from the wrestling giants had.

Pretty much nothing is known about WWE 2K17, but as it’s a yearly release, expect nothing much apart from incremental improvements and the odd spit polish here and there. That doesn’t mean that we can’t dream, though. If 2K manage to accomplish at least some of these requests below, they might see a few more vultures flocking to buy WWE 2K17 when it launches on October 1th.


1. A constantly updating roster

WWE 2k roster

It’s become something of a tradition that as soon as a WWE 2K game comes out, its roster is already outdated. This happened quite famously with WWE 2K15 when, despite The Shield being broken up for quite some time before its release, all of its members were still affiliated and still in the same garb. If games like FIFA can update during every transfer window, so too can WWE 2K17 when a rookie gets called up or a legend makes a surprise return.


2. More match types

Inferno match WWE
Source: IGN

This goes without saying. Since 2K wrestled the franchise away from Yukes for good, they have been pretty scrimpy where match types are concerned. The world of wrestling has more stipulations that you can shake a contract on a pole at, so its biggest game should follow suit. Wouldn’t you like to see Enzo Amore and Bray Wyatt face off in an Inferno match for absolutely no reason?


3. Shorter loading times

WWE 2K16 loading
Source: YouTube

Actual matches sometimes finish quicker than it takes for a WWE 2K match to load. There’s tons of detail where the graphics are concerned, which must absolutely murder the loading speed. I don’t think I would be alone in wanting to see less hairs in Luke Harper’s beard if it means I can actually play some simulated wrestling before I reach retirement age.


4. A more immersive NBA approach

WWE 2K16 commentary
Source: YouTube

NBA 2K16 is one of the most satisfying sports games I have ever played, and I don’t even like basketball. It’s been critically lauded for all of its neat touches, like commentary discussion before matches, which would translate perfectly to the ridiculous world of wrestling. Having Renee Young discuss your form before a PPV would be a sweet touch, or maybe something as simple as being able to interact with your followers on Twitter in MyCareer, which brings us to…


5. A better MyCareer

Barron Blade
Source: YouTube

MyCareer is droll. Totally droll. It starts of well in 2K16 before quickly becoming tiresome and repetitive – 2K should try to freshen it up by adding more depth. Once you become WWE champion, it’s pretty difficult to become dethroned, which is where a swerve or an injury would spice things up. You could be the digital Rollins, training hard to come back, dealing with watching others succeed, before making a triumphant return. There’s so much to explore here.

P.s fuck Barron Blade.


6. More arcade-y elements

WWE are going all in with the “realism” of a predetermined sport, which sounds sillier the more you think about it. One of the great things about the likes of Raw vs Smackdown and the PS2 Smackdown games was just how bombastic and ludicrous they were, reflecting the sport itself. They can easily be subtle with it, too. Just add in the slow-motion finishers with snapshots taken from five different angles and I will be a happy man.


7. More commentary choices

Cole and Lawler wrestling
Source: Smacknetwork

If you have ears and a brain, you hate listening to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler sleepwalk their way through their lines in WWE games. They are so stilted, disinterested, and embarrassing. Why not change it up? Smackdown’s all the better for Mauro Ranallo at the commentary desk, so WWE 2K17 should come with the option to change to his dulcet tones instead. Now I’ve said that, they’re probably going to charge extra for Jim Ross DLC.

What do you think of my suggestions? Are you happy with the games as they are? Any to add? Drop a comment below.

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