Vulture babe Alex Davies delivers some of his fantastic poetry. Watch this space for more.
Writer’s Block
My writer’s block is like a lock
without its fucking keys.
it grabs your hair begins to tear
and brings you to your knees!
You fret and cry you wonder why
you put your ink to sheet.
So much torn leaf and all the grief
of deadlines failed to meet.
So many thoughts witty retorts
that you can visualise.
But soon enough you’ll find it’s tough
and you’ll scream to the skies.
It’s not a lot to write to jot
a majorly flawed draft.
But every time you try you fail
to further your damn craft.
My writer’s block is like a lock,
I just can’t find the keys.
But one day soon.
i’ll find my muse.
Maybe then – I’ll finish this poem.
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