This New Sonic Movie Poster Just Isn’t Right

"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare..."

After a terrifying motion poster was recently released, it looks like we’ll be seeing a new Sonic movie poster that is equally haunting soon. Why are his legs so far apart? Why?

This new poster was allegedly discovered in a Century theater in Walnut Creek, California and it should have been burned immediately.

Here it is:

And the image itself:

Sonic movie poster

There’s a lot to unpack here. First off, Sonic’s legs continue to look like that of a sinewy middle-aged man who does nothing but cross country — it just does not mesh well at all. The fur is even more vividly obvious than before and continues to be deeply unsettling. His legs are also an almighty length apart, making me question just how boisterous a crotch he has. Worst of all, however, is this etching which confirms that Sonic is five years old.

Sonic Wuz Here

The reception to what we’ve seen so far from the Sonic movie has been spicy to say the least. Those defending it are few and far between, but bear in mind that we haven’t even seen his face yet. The nightmare is only just starting.

Sonic The Hedgehog will poison theaters from August 11th, 2019. It will be directed by Jeff Fowler. Do you think it will land on lists of the best video game movies or the worst?

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