Starfield: Where To Find Argon

Starfield Argon
Starfield Argon

Argon (or Ar) is a common resource in Starfield that you’ll encounter a fair bit while you venture off into the stars and beyond. You will need a large quantity of Argon in Starfield to craft various recipes and build different structures and decorations. While you may find it in loot crates and on the corpses of those you defeat, this won’t be enough to satisfy the demand since you’ll need this resource often.

The best way to acquire Argon is to visit the planets and moons that house the resource. You can scan the locations in the Starmap to see what resources the planet or moon has available. Here is a selection of locations you can visit early on in your playthrough that have Argon:

  • Nira (Narion System)
  • Vectera (Narion System)
  • Kreet (Narion System)
  • Jemison (Alpha Centauri System)
  • Chawla (Alpha Centauri System)
  • Tau Ceti VIII-b (Tau Ceti System)
  • Umbriel (Sol System)
  • Iapetus (Sol System)
  • Enceladus (Sol System)
  • Akila (Cheyenne System)

When you land at one of these locations, you’ll want to look for an Argon vent. You can find these easier with the hand scanner, as it highlights all resources nearby when you point the recital near it. Interacting with the Argon vent will give you the resource. Just be careful when standing too close, as it can damage you over time.

If you’re just a few pieces shy of your next crafting recipe, you can always purchase it from various vendors across the settled systems. A few standouts you can access early in your playthrough are:

  • Jemison Mercantile (New Atlantis Spaceport)
  • UC Distribution Center (New Atlantis Commercial District)
  • Denis Averin (Cydonia/Mars)

Placing an outpost near Argon is a good way to stay resource-rich. Building the required extractor and harvesting the resource will passively generate Argon for you while you travel. Establishing cargo links will mean you won’t have to travel back and forth to collect the resource, giving you more freedom to explore the universe at your own pace.

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