Starfield: How To Use Your Ship’s Cargo Hold

Avoid being overencumbered.


It’s practically a meme at this point, but most players Bethesda RPGs will reach a certain point where they’re carrying too much equipment and loot to be able to run or fast travel. It’s called being overencumbered, and it’s something that’s also possible in Starfield. There are ways you can improve your carrying capacity, either by using skill points or equipping certain gear, but there’s another way of clearing space in your inventory: dumping it all on your ship.

Unfortunately for new players, Starfield doesn’t do the best job at tutorialising some of its systems and mechanics, meaning you’ll likely be carrying too much before the game tells you how to use your ship’s cargo hold. With that in mind, this is how you can use your ship’s cargo hold in Starfield, and free up some all important space in your inventory.


Starfield: How To Use The Ship’s Cargo Hold

In order to use the cargo hold of your ship to store items, you need to pause the game and select the ship section of the radial menu. Here, you can inspect the different aspects of your ship, but what you’ll want to do is press X to access the ship’s cargo hold. From this menu, you can see what loot and items the ship is carrying, and can even transfer those items to your inventory by pressing the A button.

If you press LB while in this menu, you’ll access your own inventory, and from here, you can send any items you have on your person to your ship’s cargo hold, meaning you can stash away heavy weapons that you’re planning to sell, or resources that can be used for crafting and research projects. There is a limit to the amount you can store in your ship, but it’s still a great way of keeping hold of valuable items instead of dropping things on whatever planet you happen to be on. It’s also a more elegant solution than dumping everything in your ship’s mess hall and calling it a day.

It’s worth keeping in mind though that this method isn’t available everywhere. While we haven’t fully tested the boundaries of how far you can send items to and from your ship, it appears that you do need to be within a certain distance and in the same area as the ship. We tried it on Mars, and found we could send items while hanging around outside of Cydonia, but inside the city, the option was no longer available. So long as you’re within a decent range of your ship, you should be able to use the feature.

READ MORE: Starfield: How To Hide Your Helmet & Spacesuit

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