Slim PS5 Consoles Announced: Price, Specs & Where To Buy

Weight loss.

PS5 Slim
PS5 Slim

Ever since the PS5 has become available, many owners have noted that the console is a goliath of a thing, with a massive size and weight. Because of this, a lot of people have been hoping for a slim version of this behemoth for a while, and now Sony have finally pulled the trigger. Today, they’ve announced a smaller version of the PS5 and the PS5 Digital Version, along with several other features that you should know about.


Slim PS5 Specs

The main talking points regarding the PS5 slim are the reduction in the console’s overall weight and size, as both versions of the Slim PS5 have been reduced in volume by over 30%, which is pretty significant. The weight of the consoles has also seen a reduction by 18% and 24% for the regular PS5 and Digital PS5 respectively, which is nice.

The panelling of the consoles has been given a makeover too, with two panels on each side of the console instead of one big one on both sides. This is because the digital PS5 has a removable panel where you can place the new Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5, which will be sold separately at a later date.

The final thing to note about the new wave of slim PS5s is that once they roll out, they’ll be replacing the old models of PS5. After Sony has sold out of the old model, the new Slim version will be the default version of the PS5 going forward.


Slim PS5 Prices

Here are the prices for both versions of the Slim PS5, along with the Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5.


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – 499.99 USD
PS5 Digital Edition – 449.99 USD
Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5 – 79.99 USD


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – 549.99 EUR
PS5 Digital Edition – 449.99 EUR
Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5 – 119.99 EUR


PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive – 479.99 GBP
PS5 Digital Edition – 389.99 GBP
Ultra HD Blu-ray Disc Drive for PS5 – 99.99 GBP


Slim PS5 Where To Buy

The Slim version of the PS5 will be rolling out from November in the U.S., before being rolled out to other nations across the globe in the following months. You’ll be able to buy the console from Sony directly, or through various local retailers. If you can get a PS5 from them now, you’ll likely be able to get a Slim PS5 from them when they become available.

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