UPDATE: Capcom have now confirmed in their own tweet that Resident Evil 4 Remake will be launching on PS5, Xbox Series X | S and PC via Steam on March 23rd, 2023. Check out the tweet for yourself below.
ORIGINAL POST: In what’s likely shot up to the top of everyone’s most wanted games list, Capcom have finally confirmed that Resident Evil 4 Remake is real, and it’s launching on PS5 on March 23rd, 2023. There’s also going to be PlayStation VR2 content in development for the game, alongside a PSVR2 port of Resident Evil Village. Check out the trailer at the top of the page.
Not many details have been confirmed for the remake of Resident Evil 4, though it would appear to be a complete overhaul of the entire game rather than just a fresh coat of paint. Whether it’ll add new story content, or re-write the events of RE4, similar to the previous remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3, remains to be seen.
READ MORE: Ranking the Resident Evil Games From Best To Worst
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