Poem of the Week: Larry Duncan – ‘Positioning the Body’

Poem of the Week

2nd Place – Phoebe Castle –

You diminished me
Made me live in your hand
Barely able to breathe
Barely daring
Your sweat cloaking me
Lingering fear

I was a girl when I buried you
But still you walk free
Your eyes penetrate my cage
Exploited like an animal

You stared into my enclosure
Hand fed me lies
Dance for me monkey, dance!

I did what you asked
Not out of fear
But out of innocence
Innocence that I wore like glasses

But you broke my glasses
You coward!
And made me blind

A blind child

Glasses that can never be replaced
Blind to innocence

You might as well be a murderer
For you gave me this disease
The disease that has taken my life

You diminished me
Let me go from your hand
Not daring to breathe

But I was hoaxed by your snare
Always beguiled by your snare

Now my skin is stained red
Never a girl
Nor a woman

A girl falls in a cell
She dies in a cell
Are you satisfied?

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