P.T. Was Playable On The PS5, But It Now Isn’t

What a rollercoaster.

P.T. Horror Game Background

Just when you thought the ongoing saga of P.T. would be over and done with, Sony come along to add another chapter. Back in October, it was revealed that P.T. obviously wouldn’t be available for download on the new console, but it was possible that you’d be able to transfer the game instead. Now, things have taken a turn.


So What’s Happened?

An article from Polygon reveals that during the two week period they had a PS5 pre-embargo, P.T. was both transferable and playable, showing no backwards compatibility issues at all. It was even able to pick up from a recent PS4 save. However, after being forced to perform a factory reset this week, Polygon can no longer transfer P.T. to the PS5, meaning players won’t be able to access P.T. on next-gen when the console launches.


So What’s With The Flip-Flopping?

It’s possible that P.T.’s compatibility was an oversight by both Sony and Konami, one that they’ve sought to correct before the new consoles launch. Polygon reached out to Sony themselves, receiving a statement from a Sony spokesperson that it “was a publisher decision”.

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