Nintendo has sued LoveROMS and LoveRETRO, two major emulator and ROM-sharing sites. The damages could go up to $100 million, with Nintendo requesting “$150,000 per infringing Nintendo game and up to $2,000,000 for each trademark infringement.”
On top of this, Nintendo wants the sites to hand over the sources for the ROMs so that they can cut off their problems at the root.
It’s believed that both sites belong to Jacob Mathias from Mathias Designs LLC. Responding to Nintendo’s lawsuit, LoveROMS has removed all Nintendo ROMs that were available on their platform, whereas LoveRETRO has completely shut down for the moment.
For the past few years, Nintendo has really been cracking down on ROM-sharing sites, taking their games down page by page, however, it’s fairly new that they hit the sites with a lawsuit straight away.
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