Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Confirmed, Launching In 2023

Is that Kraven? And is he teaming with Venom?

Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man 2

On top of announcing a Wolverine game, Marvel and Insomniac Games will be working together to release the long-awaiting Spider-Man 2, which will see Peter Parker and Miles Morales working together against the threat of Venom. But is that Kraven doing the narration? I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, check out the debut trailer.

Since the announcement, more details have dropped via the PlayStation Blog, which confirms that most of the development team is back to produce the sequel, including creative director Bryan Intihar and game director Ryan Smith. Yuri Lowenthal and Nadji Jeter are back as Peter and Miles respectively, but the bigger reveal is that Tony Todd, the Candyman himself, will be taking on the role of Venom, which is just brilliant casting.

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