Remember Lord of the Rings Online? It’s Getting a Mordor Expansion


Back in 2007 when every movie franchise you could think of (including Free Willy, probably) had their own MMO, Lord of the Rings Online came out to a warm reception from fans and critics. Of course it wasn’t perfect, but it did a pretty good job of immersing you into the world of Middle-Earth.

Nearly ten years later, the game still has a relatively small but dedicated playerbase. They’ve been crying out for the chance to explore Mordor for the better part of a decade and now it seems like they’re getting their wish as Turbine have announced the expansion will be coming sometime next year to coincide with the big anniversary.

Check out what they had to say in the stream below.

Honestly, fair play to them. They seem dedicated to the cause of keeping an MMO going long past anyone thought they could and are also working on fixing and improving the game. You will find all these improvements in Update 19 and if you haven’t yet given the game a go, it’s free-to-play on Mac and PC through Steam. I think I might take a journey there soon and start my lofty ambitions to become the most powerful dwarf in the land, just like I am in real life.

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