A Plague Tale: Requiem is the highly anticipated sequel to one of the best single-player titles of 2019, continuing the journey of Amicia and Hugo to find some kind of cure or treatment for the Macula that’s ravaging Hugo from the inside out. Unfortunately, being an adult means you don’t always have the time to finish games as soon as you want to, so it can be helpful to know how much time you need to commit in order to get a game finished.
With that in mind, here’s how long it’ll take to complete A Plague Tale: Requiem, including how long it’ll take to achieve a 100% completion rating.
A Plague Tale: Requiem Story Length
If you’re looking at a straight story run, with very little in the way of collectibles and exploration, A Plague Tale: Requiem will likely take you around 15 hours or so, maybe more depending on your chosen difficulty and how stuck you might get with some of the puzzles. While it’s by no means a breeze, it’s definitely doable over the course of several nights.
A Plague Tale: Requiem 100% Completion Length
If you’re playing on a harder difficulty level and/or you’re intent on finding all the collectibles, unlocking all of the skills and fully upgrading all of the gear in the game, your playtime is going to shoot up to around the 20 hour mark at the minimum. There’s a decent number of collectibles and items that are pretty cleverly hidden away, so you might struggle to unlock everything, especially on your first playthrough.
On top of that, skills in A Plague Tale: Requiem are unlocked by how you play. If you’re stealthy, you’ll unlock stealth skills, while being aggressive unlock aggressive skills. Using your items and being more crafty will also unlock skills related to that. Because of this skill unlocking system, earning the achievements for unlocking every skill will take more than one playthrough. Thankfully, the New Game Plus mode means you can at least continue where you left off.
A Plague Tale: Requiem is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.
READ MORE: Games of the Generation: A Plague Tale: Innocence
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