Horizon Forbidden West Previews Aloy’s New Skills

Get around the post-apocalyptic future in style.

Horizon Forbidden West
Horizon Forbidden West

While Horizon Forbidden West, the hotly-anticipated sequel to 2017’s open world adventure game Horizon Zero Dawn, doesn’t release until next year, developer Guerilla Games have released new information about the sequel and the new tools protagonist Aloy can use to explore the world.

Horizon Forbidden West: What’s New

According to David McMullen, Lead System Designer at Guerilla, “Building upon the foundation of Horizon Zero Dawn, we have added a number of new ways to move through the world. Aloy can climb freely on and across huge sections of rocky terrain; even more machine types can be used as mounts; grapple points can be found throughout the environment which allows agile vertical traversal; swimming underwater has opened up a whole new aspect of exploration; and gliding with the Shieldwing provides the ultimate view of the beautiful world of Horizon Forbidden West – not to mention a quick way down from great heights!”

One new element of Forbidden West is a free climbing system, where many environments are easy to scale, whereas only certain items/areas could be climbed in the first game.

There are also two new tools Aloy can use to move around: the pullcaster, which lets Aloy do her best Spider-Man impression and swing from object to object and scale heights in moments.

The Shieldwing, which operates as a sort of glider, lets Aloy float down safely from great heights, and also gives players a better vantage point for viewing the numerous lush landscapes.

Additionally, new workbenches can be found throughout the world that players can use to upgrade their weapons and outfits.

More details can be found in the official PlayStation blog post.

Horizon Forbidden West Release Details

Horizon Forbidden West is scheduled for release on February 18th, 2022, for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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