Game of Thrones Power Rankings: Cersei Just Won The Game

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Last week’s Game of Thrones gave us a battle, this week we got literally everything else. Things in King’s Landing did a total 180°, leaving a surprising figure on the Iron Throne. They better not get comfy though, because the Seven Kingdoms are quickly picking sides against them.

Next season it’s going to be war – the show’s golden era of seasons two and three might be on the way back, hopefully with less messy weddings this time. As for Season six? The winners are pretty obvious, and they’re sitting at the top of our rankings:


1. Team Lannister

Queen Cersei. Who would have called it?
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Cersei am become death, destroyer of Sparrows. The first twenty minutes or so of the season finale were devoted to King’s Landing, and it was a slow meticulous build to the most ruthless act of revenge in the history of Game of Thrones. And this week, there was a lot of revenge. Set to stand trial for her ‘crimes against the gods’, Cersei took out all her enemies in one jaw dropping explosion of wildfire. The High Sparrow? Dead. Margeary and the main Tyrells? Smouldering ash.

It only took an act of true defeat from Tommon and Cersei did what was unthinkable last week: she crowned herself Queen of Westeros. As we close the season she is literally sat on the Iron Throne.  Forgive us if we’re wrong, but I think she just won the game of thrones.


2. Team Targaryen

Daenerys sets sail
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There may be a Lannister sitting on the Iron Throne, but with Daenerys’ armada on the way Cersei might just be wearing a paper crown. Finally, after six seasons the Mother of Dragons is on her way to Westeros, and by the Seven does she have an entourage. The Unsullied, the Dothraki, an Ironborn fleet and three actual dragons –  that’s a whole lot of people to hang out with. Oh, and let’s not forget: her advisors Tyrion and Varys have delivered the combined forces of Dorn and Highgarden. Nearly a third of the Seven Kingdoms have declared for her already, and is this making anyone else super excited for season seven already?


3. Team Stark

Sansa and Jon in Winterfell
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They might not have as many allies as Daenerys or Cersei, but Sansa and Jon deserve a place on this list for uniting the North – something which hasn’t really happened since Walder Frey had his blood and guts tea party back in season three.

Speaking of Walder Frey, how much of a shock moment was it to see Arya show up and slice his neck open? The second gratuitous act of revenge this week saw Arya use a face from the many faced god to kill Frey’s most powerful children and bake them in a pie. A murder pie, you guys. An actual murder pie. Then she killed him, and smiled while doing it. Does anyone else think Westeros might be in need of some child psychologists?

Anyway, however flakey Littlefinger and the Lords of the Vale turn out to be, the North is united. The North also remembers. It all seemed a bit sudden, the Lords of the North bending the knee to a bastard, but calling Jon the White Wolf after his Direwolf was a nice touch.


4. Littlefinger

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Yes, Petyr Baelish still gets to be a team all of his own. Since he stabbed Ned Stark in the back all those years ago we’ve known exactly how self serving he is. Until now though, we’ve only been able to guess what his real ambitions are. Now that we know we’re kind of flabbergasted. Littlefinger want to sit on the Iron Throne and have Sansa as his Queen.

Let that sink in.

The man who’s made a career from turning a scrap of paper into a fortune wants to pull off his biggest trick yet. From his origins in a minor noble house with tiny seaside holdings Littlefinger want to become King of Westeros. With his wits and his resources, he might actually have a chance.


The Rest

It’s been a busy week on Game of Thrones. So much revenge. So much death. So much movement. We’ve seen so much action that we might have wiped all the other players off the board. Team Sparrow is gone. The Boltons are all dead. Everyone else has survived by wisely picking a side. Yara and Theon are with Daenerys, the Wildlings with Winterfell.

Only one other team stands a chance of hurting the top three, and we’re guessing you’re not rooting for them.

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Winter is here. So is more Game of Thrones stuff.

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