Considering it’s a franchise that’s designed to suck you in for hours and hours, it’s odd that Football Manager fans don’t have much choice when it comes to doing so from the comfort of their couch. Sure, there’s the Switch and mobile versions, but those are very condensed version that don’t offer the same amount of depth as PC. It’s also available on Stadia, but that’s Stadia.
With the upcoming release of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, though, could Football Manager 2021 be making its way to the next-generation of consoles?
This is hinted at by Miles Jacobsen, director of the franchise, in a recent post to update fans on the current course of this year’s edition.
In the post, Jacobsen mentions that the current global situation has understandably impacted development of Football Manager 2021 and that it will be launching later than usual. FM 2020 launched in late October of 2019, so expect FM 2021 to release in November at the very earliest.
As he signs off, Jacobsen mentions that Football Manager 2021 will be available on more platforms than usual, hinting that it will be making a debut on the PS5 and Xbox Series X:
“Our games will be on more platforms and available on more stores than ever before when they’re released later this year but, with regards to features and release dates, it’s a little too early for us to talk about the specifics right now.”

This seems to suggest that Football Manager 2021 will be coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X as there really aren’t that many other platforms it could possibly come to that it already hasn’t.
Football Manager 2020 is currently available on PC, Switch, Stadia and mobile devices, but it’s important to note that the Switch and mobile versions are pared down and not as feature rich.
This is purely down to how powerful the hardware is. Despite not appearing like it to some, Football Manager is a very resource intensive game that is doing countless calculations in the background from hundreds of thousands of bits of data. This includes realistically simulating results all across the world, keeping different player information and attributes up to date, and much, much more.
With a possible database size of thousands for your save, it seems that Sports Interactive haven’t been able to bring Football Manager to home console in a way that does it justice. The last home console release for the franchise was Football Manager 2008, which received good but not great reviews.
Thanks to the added power of the ninth-gen, though, we could finally be about to see Football Manager on a home console for the first time in over a decade. The only question is the navigation with a controller, though you would expect both consoles to be compatible with a mouse and keyboard.
This is good news for all Football Manager fanatics among us, who could probably use a break from hunching over until 2 in the morning while searching for wonderkids in Venezuela and play from the couch instead.
READ NEXT: Football Manager 2021: 7 Features We Want To See
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