First Reactions for A Quiet Place Part II Promises Another Round of Silent Horror

This is one of those films that you might just want to go snacks-free for.

Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place 2
Emily Blunt in A Quiet Place 2

A Quiet Place Part II just had its first screening for the press, and so far, the first reactions to the film have been complimentary, especially with regard to the direction of the movie as well as the performances of the cast, with most of the excitement directed towards Cillian Murphy and Millicent Simmonds.

Steven Weintraub, the editor-in-chief over at Collider, said the film had him on the edge of his seat, and is eager for a further expansion of the world with a part 3. Kate Erbland, the deputy film editor over at Indiewire, comments on the worthiness of the world-building, and how it expands on the original by finding its own thrills. Erik Davies, who is the managing editor over at Fandago, calls some of the sequences in the film a masterclass in suspense.

What all the reviews seem to agree on is that the expansion of the world feels credible, and that the film finds new ways to play with the idea of silence, not just piggybacking off the first movie’s methods. While most of us loved A Quiet Place, we also didn’t think a sequel was necessary, especially since a lot of horror movies get ruined because the original premise of the first film wears thin in the sequels.

As of now, it appears that director John Krasinski might overcome the sophomore slump, but its still early days since the film hasn’t even reached the big screen audience yet.

A Quiet Place Part II creeps silently into theatres March 20, 2020.

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