Throughout your time in Fire Emblem Engage, the 16th game in Nintendo’s long-running tactical RPG, you’ll want to forge relationships with many characters as is usually the focus of the Fire Emblem games. There are many new characters and some returning fan favourites, and with romance being an option again, building those relationships is key to progressing in these additional quests. The previous game, Fire Emblem: Three Houses introduced dates and gift giving, which has return for Fire Emblem Engage. There are new gifts and new recipients available.
All characters have individual traits, likes and dislikes and players will discover each character’s preferences as they play through the huge 45-to-60-hour campaign. If you’re looking to deepen your relationships and bonds with the many characters around Fire Emblem Engage, here is a full guide on where to find gifts and each character’s preferences, separated by in-game region.
Gift Responses

Gifting characters is an important part of strengthening relationships and pursuing in-game romances if that’s what you’re seeking to do in Fire Emblem Engage. Each character will offer one of four responses to receiving a gift. They will either be delighted, happy, upset or refuse your gift entirely. Either of the first two is a positive response and will contribute to strengthening your relationship with them. Offering one of the NPC’s least favourite gifts will result in a refusal. The only way to get an upset response is to gift them horse manure. This is understandable.
Where To Find Gifts

Gifts in Fire Emblem Engage can be found by investigating the sparkling areas scattered around the world. Additionally, after unlocking the Flea Market in Chapter 12 some gifts can be purchased from here, but it has very limited stock so searching is the quickest way to uncover the gifts you seek the majority of the time. Unfortunately each sparkling point contains a random gift and cannot be pre-determined, so don’t hold back. There is a lack of story routes and revisiting old areas is not always possible, so if you see a sparkling area it’s best to investigate it sooner rather than later.
The Flea Market will restock random items every so often and the sparkling areas around Somniel will be replenished with new gifts, so it’s best to check regularly if there’s something specific you’re needing.
Best Gifts for Lythos Characters

Vander‘s favourite gifts are Dragon Scripture, Quality Kerchief and least favourite gifts are Dried Meat and Strong Perfume.
Clanne‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Quality Kerchief. Clanne’s least favourite gifts are Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Framme‘s favourite gifts are Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Dragon Scripture, Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Framme’s least favourite gifts are Philosophy Book and Elyos History.
Best Gifts for Brodia Characters

Diamant‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Training Weights, Sharp Chisel, Philosophy Book and Elyos History. Diamant’s least favourite gift is Strong Perfume.
Amber‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Yoghurt, Roasted Yam and Animal Treats. Amber’s least favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Philosophy Book and Quality Kerchief.
Jade‘s favourite gifts are Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale book, Poetry Book and Elyos History. Jade’s least favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief.
Alcryst‘s favourite gifts are Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book and Elyos History. Alcryst’s least favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief.
Lapis‘ favourite gifts are Roasted Yam, Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Animal Treats and Sharp Chisel. Lapis’ least favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief.
Citrinne‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Philosophy Book, Elyos History and Quality Kerchief. Citrinne’s least favourite gift is Sharp Chisel.
Saphir‘s favourite gifts are Yoghurt, Roasted Yam, Training Weights and Muscle Balm. Saphir’s least favourite gifts are Sharp Chisel, Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief.
Best Gifts for Firene Characters

Alfred‘s favourite gifts are Training Weights and Dragon Scripture. Alfred’s least favourite gift is Sharp Chisel.
Boucheron‘s favourite gifts are Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History. Boucheron’s least favourite gift is Sharp Chisel.
Etie‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Dried Meat, Training Weights and Dragon Scripture. Etie’s least favourite gifts are Sharp Chisel and Quality Kerchief.
Celine‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Celine’s least favourite gift is Sharp Chisel.
Louis‘ favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Poetry Book and Dragon Scripture. Louis’ least favourite gift is Sharp Chisel.
Jean‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture and Elyos History. Jean’s least favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Chloe‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book and Dragon Scripture. Chloe’s least favourite gift is Tea Leaves.
Best Gifts for Elusia Characters

Ivy‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book, Dragon Scripture and Elyos History. Ivy’s least favourite gifts are Animal Treats and Strong Perfume.
Zelkov‘s favourite gifts are Sharp Chisel, Poetry Book and Elyos History. Zelkov’s least favourite gift is Strong Perfume.
Kagetsu‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Training Weights, Muscle Balm and Sharp Chisel. Kagetsu’s least favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book and Elyos History.
Hortensia‘s favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Hortensia’s least favourite gifts include Tea Leaves, Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Rosado‘s favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Rosado’s least favourite gifts are Philosophy Book and Elyos History.
Goldmary‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Goldmary’s least favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Anna‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Sharp Chisel and Quality Kerchief. Anna’s least favourite gift is Dried Meat.
Lindon‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Roasted Yam, Sharp Chisel, Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Philosophy Book and Elyos History. Lindon’s least favourite gifts are Training Weights, Muscle Balm and Quality Kerchief.
Best Gifts for Solm Characters

Timerra‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Animal Treats, Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief. Timerra’s least favourite gifts are Sharp Chisel and Fairy-Tale Book.
Merrin‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat, Animal Treats and Sharp Chisel. Merrin’s least favourite gift is Strong Perfume.
Panette‘s favourite gifts are Dried Meat and Sharp Chisel. Panette’s least favourite gift is Tea Leaves.
Fogato‘s favourite gift is Dried Meat. Fogato’s least favourite gifts are Roasted Yam and Fairy-Tale Book.
Pandreo‘s favourite gifts are Yogurt, Fairy-Tale Book and Dragon Scripture. Pandreo’s least favourite gifts are Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Bunet‘s favourite gifts are Tea Leaves, Yogurt, Roasted Yam and Strong Perfume. Bunet’s least favourite gifts are Training Weights and Muscle Balm.
Seadall‘s favourite gifts are Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book, Elyos History, Quality Kerchief. Seadall’s least favourite gifts are Training Weights, Muscle Balm and Sharp Chisel.
Best Gifts for Other Characters

Yunaka‘s favourite gifts are Training Weights, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Poetry Book and Elyos History. Yunaka’s least favourite gifts are Animal Treats, Fairy-Tale Book and Strong Perfume.
Veyle‘s favourite gifts are Fairy-Tale Book, Poetry Book and Elyos History. Veyle’s least favourite gifts are Strong Perfume and Quality Kerchief.
Fire Emblem Engage is out now for Nintendo Switch.
READ NEXT: Fire Emblem Engage: How To Collect All Emblem Rings
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