DOOM Eternal is one of the most metal games ever made with Doomguy collecting heads like they’re Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, swatting aside gods as if they’re flies and apparently reading a lot of parody books and playing guitar in his spare time. I’d argue, though, that the best moment of all comes in the DLC, The Ancient Gods – Part Two.
Doomguy teleports into Hell, ready for a final showdown with Davoth, the first Dark Lord of Hell and someone who is revealed to be an even bigger mac daddy in a bit of a silly twist later on. Davoth has what looks like all of the demons of Hell at his back in numbers that might even make Doomguy break out into a light sweat, but then it happens: DOOM’s Avengers: Endgame moment.
With things looking a little less definitive than usual, portals behind Doomguy start opening up by the dozen and we see Valen the Betrayer step through one, ready to make amends. He is leading the last of the Night Sentinels, who Doomguy used to be the spearhead of after ascending through the ranks at Argent D’Nur, and is no longer the broken shell we saw in the main game, but closer to the warrior of codex. Doomguy and he were two of the last remaining soldiers after the Night Sentinels became trapped in Hell, Valen eventually betraying Doomguy so that his son could be resurrected. Which, you know, maybe fair enough? How was he to know that he would be resurrected as the Icon of Sin?
That’s really just a small moment in what’s a large tapestry of awesome, though, Hugo Martin’s previous work on Pacific Rim clearly helping with the setpiece’s huge scale. The Night Sentinels, to put it bluntly, rip and tear absolute ass, an Atlan slapping a Titan around something silly. It’s super fulfilling to see these massive Atlans in action after their “corpses” just left huge question marks, and they don’t disappoint in reality.
While the sequence is perhaps a tad illogical (how could all of the Night Sentinels have possible convened?), it’s some excellent wish fulfillment all the same and a “Marvel moment” that raises the hairs on your arm. I’m not saying that some kind of prequel in which you play as Valen during the many battles against Hell should be the next place DOOM goes, but I’m not saying it shouldn’t be, either.
DOOM Eternal is available now for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch.
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