An early quest in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Lucretia My Reflection, sees you skulking around in the dark in Dogtown while trying to lead Myers to safety. The pair of you will eventually reach a crossroads as you explore the Dogtown underground, as you’re asked to find a way out with the optional objective of turning off the steam so that you can make your way onwards.
This is a little harder to figure out to begin with than you may expect, as the actual valve is seemingly impossible to reach behind some scaffolding. But essentially what you want to do is double back to just before the steam blockage, and then turn right until you find what looks like a cart of some kind with a bunch of metal poles of some kind on them.

Simply clamber up these, then go across the railings and drop down in the hole to interact with the valve, which will then turn off the steam. Jump back up and return to the obstructed spot from earlier and you can now crouch through the duct.
If you have enough attribute points in Body, you can also tear open the door and proceed through the level that way. Whichever route you choose, the end result is pretty much the exact same.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series.
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