Cities: Skylines Player Makes a Beautiful Sewage Tsunami

Cities Skylines

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Cities: Skylines is a great game. Principally because it’s not Sim City nor is it run by EA so you don’t always have to be connected to the internet or wait for a server to come free so you can run your city. Cities: Skylines (CS) is a breath of fresh air in the city building genre.

I use the phrase ‘breath of fresh air’ lightly, however, as we find that YouTuber flawless128 created a giant sewage mountain, filled it with poo-water and then unleashed the deadly brown torrent on his unsuspecting city.

There were 200,000 inhabitants in and around the city, now they are all dead. It’s horrible to watch but also makes you just sigh and think ‘ah video games’.

One thing is for certain, you couldn’t do this in Sim City. Create a giant lake of shit and then drown everyone in their own excrement. A nice touch I thought with the video was to witness a house fire being put out by the unstoppable torrent of crap flowing down the streets. So this bacteria laced, brown tidal wave really does have an upside.

Moreover it’s a testament to the limitless possibilities in CS. You want to build a lake of human shit and unleash it on an unsuspecting population? Go right ahead, it’s yours and everyone else’s funeral.

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