Apex Legends Wattson Skins, Banners, Finishers & Quips

Looking shocking.

Apex Legends Wattson

Wattson is the newest legend added to Apex Legends, and the first to coincide with the launch of Season 2, which is named “Battle Charge”. With her family being very closely tied to the history of the Apex Games, she’s a pretty pivotal character in Apex lore.

But enough about that: let’s look at some cosmetics. Same as with every Apex character, Wattson comes packed to the gills with a tonne of different skins across many rarities, as well as banner, quips, and finishers.

The below Wattson cosmetics video goes through all of them available at the time of writing; more may be added over time.

Here are all of those Legendary Wattson skins.


Wattson Ace of Sparks Skin

Ace of Sparks

Rating: 7/10


Wattson Fly-by-Wire Skin


Rating: 7/10


Wattson Cyber Security Skin

Cyber Security

Rating: 8/10


Wattson Strange Attraction Skin

Strange Attractor

Rating: 9/10

That Strange Attractor skin makes me feel very weird indeed, such a generally nice Legend looking like the villain from a Final Fantasy game.

Which of the skins is your favourite?

From our Apex Legends review:

“Even the most jaded of battle royale fans will find their interest rejuvenated by Apex Legends thanks to Respawn’s attention to detail, superior gunplay, and fantastic innovations, though the loot boxes and progression system certainly need addressing.”

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