It’s fair to say that A Plague Tale: Requiem is one of the more harrowing journeys you can take in video games, and not just because there’s rats pretty much everywhere. Following on from the events of Innocence, Requiem once again follows Amicia and Hugo as they try to find answers for Hugo’s battle with the Macula inside his body. At certain points, the journey can be quite hard, so sometimes you’ll want to change your difficulty.
Here’s what you need to know about changing your difficulty in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
When starting a new game in A Plague Tale: Requiem, you’ll be able to select from three difficulty levels right from the outset: Narrative, Normal and Hard. Each difficulty level up will essentially make the combat encounters much more difficult, and will reduce the amount of resources you can gather throughout the game. There’s no achievement or trophy for completing the game on a certain difficulty level, so you’re free to pick whichever difficulty level you like. You can also change the difficulty level at any time by heading into the “General” tab of the settings menu.
On top of that, there’s a couple of accessibility options that can make your life easier while playing A Plague Tale: Requiem, especially if you’re dealing with certain issues that make it harder to play video games. You can adjust the frequency that you receive help when solving puzzles, and you can toggle the ability to have quick time events auto-resolve. There’s also an option for invincibility, which means you can’t be killed by soldiers during the game, but you can still die to environmental hazards like rats and fire.
Once you’ve finished A Plague Tale: Requiem, you can unlock the ability to play through the game again in New Game Plus, which is done on a special difficulty mode, Ultimate. Fortunately, the upgrades you’ve earned throughout the game should ensure that the New Game Plus mode is perfectly doable for most players.
A Plague Tale: Requiem is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.
READ MORE: Games of the Generation: A Plague Tale: Innocence
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