The new free game for the Epic Games Store has finally been revealed. Well, six games to be exact, and six very good games indeed.
Pop over to the Epic Games Store now and download yourself six Batman games: the Arkham trilogy and the Lego Batman trilogy, all for the grand price of nothing. All you need is an account with Epic and a download of the Epic launcher.
This is a pretty remarkable giveaway for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the scale of it is almost unprecedented — Epic have only ever given away two games at most at once, so they’ve basically just tripled it. Secondly, Batman is coming to Fortnite at some point and in some way in the future, so this looks like the beginning of a beautiful relationship between WB Games. Epic Games and WB have previously collaborated on physical content for Fortnite.
The games are a little difficult to find, and they may also have prices listed to them. Just search “Batman” on the Epic store and click their prices and you will see that they are actually free.
The sextology (?) of Batman games will be available until September 26th, after which they will be replaced by the wonderful Everything and Metro 2033 Redux. It’s unusual to see 2033 on its own, so maybe we should expect Last Light to pop up at some point soon as well?
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