5 Unlikely Film Spin-Offs That We’d Pay To See

Dennis Nedry
Image source: hark.com


3. The Band – Titanic

Band from Titanic
Image source: WikyBrew.com

Titanic is a crappy movie. We all know it and even if you don’t know it, YOU KNOW IT. There are very few parts that could be considered ‘good’ in James Cameron’s overrated, emotionally manipulative piece of hokey sentimental garbage. One of those parts comes toward the actual sinking part of the film when the Titanic’s band decides not to try and scramble aboard the life boards to save their own skins but instead agree to keep playing to try and instil some sense of calm, peace and normality amongst the panicking crowd.

It’s a very small, simple and touching piece that never felt overly forced. It showed the truly awesome power of music and all in about 2 minutes. Now, imagine some kind of musical origin team up movie based toward the end of the 1800’s. How each of these men came to know and play with each other would be a pretty cool thing to see, especially when you know their gruesome fate. Perhaps they started off as rivals or their trip on the Titanic was the first time they’d played together for a decade. Endless possibilities.


4. [Mayor] Goldie Wilson – Back To The Future

Mayor Goldie Wilson Back to the Future
Image souce: lasvegascarstars.com

You can just picture it can’t you? A light hearted, political rags to riches comedy that deals with the issue of race and segregation in late 1950’s and early 1960’s America. All set in the picturesque fictional town of Hill Valley. What’s not to love? Now, let’s ignore the racist undertones of BTTF, you know the fact that a white, naive teenager is able to take credit for major movements in the African American Civil rights movements. As well giving a black second-class citizen the idea of running for mayor, he is also the one that gives the talented and legendary musician Chuck Berry that ‘new sound’ he was looking for.

However, I would queue for hours to the see the charming gold toothed smile of Bus boy Goldie Wilson, the future long time mayor, as he throws down his mop and enters a career of politics to the bewildered and scornful gaze of the ignorant and cartoonish town folk. Just picture the manic, humorous and stirring material that would be on display.

Hell! His political slogan could act as the tagline to the film: ‘Honesty, Decency, Integrity’.


5. Dennis Nedry – Jurassic Park

Dennis Nedry
Image source: cinema52.com

Yes, Dennis Nedry, the very reason why none of us are able to take a week off work and visit a theme park which has freaking dinosaurs! A man who is singlehandedly responsible for the deaths of countless people including himself and turned a concept that should have be an educational holiday resort into a living hell. How exactly did this overweight, unhygienic, bad-mannered nerdy hacker do this and become the figure of corporate espionage we all know? What went wrong in this guy’s life that resulted him being such greedy money minded and moral-less individual. Was he bullied in school? college? Or even in his early days at InGen? Was he always a douchebag!? I’m dying to find out. It could be an epic falling from grace tale. Each trailer for the next instalment in the Jurassic Park franchise ‘Jurassic World’ leaves me more depressed each time. I feel nothing when I watch them even when they cram in John Williams’ iconic score. The magic isn’t brewing, yet. Hopefully I’m wrong, I mean Chris Pratt is in it after all. However, if I’m right, another less CGI driven journey into this universe could be in order. The very first Jurassic Park origin story? Perhaps featuring a younger John Hammond? I mean, come on!


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