Xbox Series X | S: How To Change Your Gamertag

N00bSlayer69420, this is for you.

Xbox Series X Controller
NameXbox Series X | S
Release DateNovember 10th
Price$499/£449 (X) | $299/£249 (S)
Backwards CompatXbox One, Xbox 360, Xbox

In a lot of ways, your online identity is incredibly important. The way you present yourself online is just as important as how you dress, meaning people might get the wrong impression if you’re called xXNoobKillerXx. This is why Xbox allows you to change your gamertag on Xbox Series X | S, and here’s how you do it.


How Do You Change Your Gamertag On Series X | S?

In order to change your gamertag from something incredibly embarrassing/inappropriate/offensive to something that isn’t any of those things, you need to access your profile.

– Press the Guide Button
– Scroll over to the Profile & System tab
– Select your profile at the top of the tab
– Select My Profile
– Once there, you go into the customise profile menu and select your gamertag to edit it.

Unlike the previous version of gamertags, you can now have any gamertag you want up to 12 characters, with up to four ID numbers following afterwards if it’s a duplicate gamertag.

After creating an account, you’ll get one free name change, but after that, swapping your gamertag will cost $9.99 or your regional equivalent every time.

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