Windjammers 2: Full List of Modes

Windjammers 2 modes
Windjammers 2 modes

Windjammers 2 is an incredibly fun game with simple yet addictive gameplay that is far deeper than it first seems. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many modes to tuck into, with Windjammers 2 just having four modes in total, three if you don’t count the very basic tutorial.

Here’s a breakdown of all of the modes in Windjammers 2.

Ranked Match, Quick Match, Play With Friends
Exactly as you’d expect, this is what you want if you’re looking to take the action online against friends or other players.

Arcade is basically the single-player offering of Windjammers 2, which offers a handful of matches and mini-games before you’re rewarded with a quick cutscene and credits. It’s not very long, with players likely able to beat it in half an hour, though they can try it with different characters on different difficulties.

Versus is the mode for couch play for you to go 1 on 1 against a friend.

How To Play
A very basic tutorial that shows you some of the controls in flat images.

Bear in mind that, if Dotemu plan to support the game for a long time post-launch, we may see more modes added over time, or even some of the existing modes being expanded on.

Windjammers 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, and Switch.

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