Watch Fear the Walking Dead’s Opening Scene Now

Fear the Walking Dead
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When Fear the Walking Dead was announced, I don’t think I was alone in shrugging my shoulders and double-guessing just what the point of it was. Surely releasing a companion series would only dilute the overall product? Don’t we have enough zombies as it is?


After a stellar trailer was revealed at SDCC 2015, however, I will admit that I may have pre-judged the show. It’s almost hard not to with a name like that, though. Indications suggest that Fear will be a more character-driven attempt than its big brother and will go back to the roots of the zombie apocalypse. It will be interesting to see how they approach it as it seems to be almost impossible to film a satisfying crumbling of civilisation by way of the undead.

As we build towards its season premiere on Sunday, those lovely people at AMC have been kind enough to release the first three minutes of it, which you can check out below:

WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: #FearBeginsHere this Sunday at 9/8c.

Posted by Fear the Walking Dead on Thursday, 20 August 2015

From the scant preview, we can deduce that one of our main characters (who seems to also be a drug addict or just super untidy) loves wearing women’s tops, has distinctly average nipples and that his girlfriend now has an affinity for the taste of human flesh. Pft. Typical.

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