Watch Dogs 2’s Controversial Genitalia to Be Patched Out, Says Ubisoft

Watch Dogs 2

Seemingly aware that it’s the sequel to a AAA game and not a Leisure Suit Larry spin-off, Ubisoft have announced that Watch Dogs 2 will have its controversial genitalia patched out.

In a statement to Polygon, the company said:

“We’re aware that one of the NPC models in Watch Dogs 2 is rendered in a way that is particularly explicit. While Watch Dogs 2 is a mature-rated game, we apologize and will update this NPC model to make it more consistent with other NPC models in the game in a patch to be released this week. We also are working with our first-party partners to ensure that players can continue to play and share all content from the game within the bounds of the first parties’ respective codes of conduct.”

The controversy only came to light after Twitter user Swizzasaur uploaded a graphic image of a vagina from the game and found himself banned from the PlayStation Network. Despite backlash, Sony had stuck by their guns and then went full Maude Flanders – they’d increased the ban to one month. Seemed rather unfair, and so it was: the ban has since been lifted.

I have been a fan of Sony for many years, but they’re doing a lot this year to make me take a step back. Despite being the console leader, they’ve shown time and time again that they’re losing touch with the average player. Ubisoft aren’t to blame here, either. Sure, they included the graphic imagery in the first place, but the game is rated accordingly.

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