The PS5 Game Cases Also Look Better In Black

Yep, that's the take.


Sony unveiled yesterday what physical games would look like for the PS5 when the console launches this Holiday season. The company posted on Twitter with an image of what Insomniac’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will look like when it hits shop shelves, which you can check out below.

To be honest, the white banner with black logo looks pretty clean, but the blue case itself seems like somewhat of a colour clash. At least the PS4 cases are fully blue, which means there’s a consistent scheme there. The white, black and blue is a bit too much, in our opinion, and just like the console design itself, people on Twitter have taken to improving the design.

The user @Chunkinator104 (which is now the best username of all time, it’s been decided) posted a version of the PS5 cover with a black case and banner with a white logo. While it looks pretty similar to the PS3 design, the colours feel more cohesive. There’s even a version of the cover with a white case that looks better.

Either way, what do you think? Rant about the PS5 cases in the comments below, if you like.

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