E3 2016: Mass Effect Andromeda Takes You to a whole new galaxy

E3 2016 Mass Effect

Mass Effect Andromeda promises to take us to a new galaxy, and in this new place, you, the player, are the alien. It’s all new characters, races and planets.

Here’s the new footage.

We now know a little bit about the story, revolving around finding a new home for humanity. Something has obviously gone very wrong in our galaxy since Shepard stopped the Reapers. Maybe people were trying to escape from ME3’s terrible endings. It doesn’t seem to be connected to the original trilogy and Bioware want us to know that this is a whole new adventure.

At the end of the trailer we see, presumably, the new main character waking up and stating “We made it”

Andromeda was originally scheduled for a release later this year but has since been delayed to 2017.

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