Far Cry 6: Where To Find Supremo-Bond


Far Cry 6
Far Cry 6 Supremo-Bond

Supremo-Bond is a semi-rare resource in Far Cry 6 that’s used to help you build gadgets and improve your Supremos.

Supremo-Bond can most often be found by opening Libertad Crates or in Supply Drops, both of which are commonly in enemy territory.

If you’re looking for more Supremo-Bond, venture into the red areas on your map, clear them out of enemies, then fully explore the area to see if there’s any around.

You can also unlock intel that will show you exactly where certain caches and secrets are on the map, like this below.

Far Cry 6 Libertad Crate
Far Cry 6 Libertad Crate

Libertad Crates are boxes that have an upwards arrow and a star on them as their icon.

Once you have Supremo-Bond, take it to any one of the Workbenches across the map to start pimping your Supremo.

Far Cry 6 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, and Stadia.

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