Elden Ring’s Regal Ancestor Spirit Might Be Its Best Moment

Seek peacefulness.

Elden Ring
Elden Ring

It might not shock you to learn that we’ve been caught up in the Elden Ring hype just as much as the next people, and rightly so. The challenging yet satisfying gameplay and the utterly massive open world filled with so much to see and do make Elden Ring nothing short of an absolute masterpiece. However, there’s one fight that stands head and shoulders above the rest as the undisputed highlight of the entire game: Regal Ancestor Spirit.

Alright, technically there’s two fights, as you can fight both Ancestor Spirit and the “harder”, more rewarding Regal Ancestor Spirit, though both fights play out in much the same fashion. Regardless, they each feel like transcendental odysseys that are unlike anything else in the game, while simultaneously rewarding the exploration and curiosity required to succeed in Elden Ring.

In order to fight against the Ancestor Spirit and Regal Ancestor Spirit, you need to explore both the Siofra River and the Ancestral Woods area of Nokron, The Eternal City respectively. In both areas, there are a number of unlit stone obelisks that can be lit when interacting with them. Once you’ve lit all the obelisks in the respective area and traveled to that area’s Hallowhorn Grounds, the giant deer carcass which resides there will start glowing. Interact with it, and you’ll be able to fight against the spirit yourself.

It’s worth fighting these bosses just for the additional runes and goodies you can earn from them alone, specifically the Regal Ancestor Spirit. Beating the boss unlocks a Remembrance, which you can cash in at the Roundtable Hold for some new items, and having more instruments of death is always nice in a game like Elden Ring, but what makes the fight special is how hauntingly beautiful it is.


Elden Ring is a game that loves to revel in the brutality of its world and its inhabitants. Aside from Sites of Grace, it never feels like there’s a moment to stop and take in the majesty of the world that is The Lands Between, but the Regal Ancestor Spirit is just that: majestic. For a game that’s almost exclusively about hitting big things with your big weapon, the Regal Ancestor Spirit sticks out as an absolutely gorgeous moment.

Instead of trying to overwhelm the player with intense attacks, the spirit is perfectly content to prance around the arena, with mid-air jumps that look even more gorgeous than Torrent’s. While this could just be personal experience, the fight itself is probably one of the easiest in the entire game, but the temptation is there to draw out the fight for as long as possible just so you can witness the grandeur of the spirit in its full glory.

This feeling is only exacerbated by the fight’s score, Yuka Kitamura taking a break from the regular soundtrack of orchestral fury. Most of the tracks in the game, particularly during boss fights, are fast-paced and intense, but the Regal Ancestor Spirit fight feels almost soothing and serene. For a game about taking down monsters so your number goes up, this moment triggers a moment of emotional introspection. It’s hard not to feel guilty after finally defeating the beast, like you’ve just killed the one thing that wasn’t outwardly looking for your demise.

What sealed the deal was that after killing the boss, the floor was littered with messages echoing how I felt at the time: “Didn’t expect tranquility,” “Why is it always sadness?” and “Visions of tears”. Clearly this was a moment that resonated with a lot of other players, and it’s a moment that’ll stick with me for a long time. The satisfaction of beating hard bosses like Starscourge Radahn is great and all, but being able to witness something so beautiful amidst the chaos is simply unmatched.

READ MORE: Elden Ring Achieves Approachability Without Sacrificing Challenge

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