The PlayStation 5 Looks Like A Router

Instant thoughts: no.

Ps5 Console Design
PS5 Console Design

After plenty of waiting, Sony have finally revealed the first proper look at the design for the PlayStation 5.

And, well, see for yourselves.

The PS5 will be available with either a discless or disc version, and it has to be said that the discless version looks way better without the disc tray oddly jutting out of the side. It truly looks like they just slapped it on begrudgingly.

That said, both still look like routers. Or, as many have pointed out, like something Alienware would make.

I don’t know whether it’s the white and black or what, but this just doesn’t look right. Maybe it will be a grower.

I do, however, expect more than a handful of memes.

No release date or price for the PS5 just yet.

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